Given by Paul Carter
When is the time of Judgement? Will we all stand before Christ in a line and have our sins revealed? What does the time of judgement mean? This sermon addresses the times of judgement.
Given by Jon Pinelli
The devil works to destroy the family of God. His wiles are vast and varied. This sermon explores one of the tools that he uses: the tool of accusation.
Given by Dave Pennington
Given by Greg Sargent
Anger, malice, resentment, bitterness, revenge—we are all influenced by Satan and tested at one time or another with those works of the flesh. Christians have the opportunity through God’s Spirit to let anger and malice go before resentment sets in. If we don’t, bitterness and revenge enslave us leading to eternal death. Do we “let go and...
Given by David Jackson
As this series of 12 sermons began, it started with Prayer, Bible Study, Meditation and Fasting. It was not until the subject of Fasting where the story or history that became Holy Scripture as recorded in 2 Samuel 11 of David, Bathsheba, Uriah, Nathan and the Lord, took center stage. The intent is that through establishing a life and habit based in Prayer,...
Given by Doug Johnson
That's quoting directly from Revelation 19:9. But what do we know about it? When is it? Where is it? Who's invited? What the most important thing to know about it? It ties directly to Jesus Christ's return, or His second coming to this earth. Take a good, close look - and see what the Bible says (and doesn't say) about a...
Given by Roger Ellis
Wouldn’t you like to be noticed by God? This afternoon we will examine 3 qualities found in Isaiah 66:2 that will cause God to take notice you.
Given by Marty Miller
Society increasingly opposes the idea of making moral judgments. The Bible seems to support both sides. Which is it? To judge or not to judge?
Given by Paul Carter
At this time of year many are making New years resolutions. They are also celebrating the new year on the Roman Calendar. Yet it is all a part of pagan worship going back thousands of years. What do all of these pagan holidays have to do with darkness and light?