
44:34 Lying to Ourselves

Lying to Ourselves

Given by Nathan Willoughby

42:04 We Are All Time Travelers

We Are All Time Travelers

Given by Gary Lutz

1:12:10 Questions You May Have Never Thought to Ask, Part 14: The Gathering Storm

Questions You May Have Never Thought to Ask, Part 14: The Gathering Storm

Given by Rick Avent

1:03:56 To Tell the Truth

To Tell the Truth

Given by Dave Myers

Lying appears to have become a fixed facet of human nature. The Ninth Commandment instructs us not to lie. Why do we lie? Is if acceptable to lie to spares another’s feelings? What does it mean to be a truth-teller?

52:30 2 Peter - Part 3

2 Peter - Part 3

Given by Dave Myers

Reviewing 2nd Peter 2:1 - 4

1:03:13 Every Wind of Doctrine

Every Wind of Doctrine

Given by Jim Franks

Is it more important what you believe or how you live your life? What is the importance of our beliefs? How we answer these questions is important for each of us. Is it good enough to be a good person?

30:20 Living Sacrifice

Living Sacrifice

Given by DJ Haney

We discuss what it means to be a "living sacrifice" to God. God wants more from us than physical sacrifice: He wants our hearts.

36:02 Spiritual Monovision

Spiritual Monovision

Given by Gary Summers

In Matthew 6:33 Christ tells us to seek first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. We will see how the analogy of having Spiritual Monovision can remind us of the importance of keeping one eye clearly focused on God’s Kingdom, while keeping one eye clearly focused on our own personal...

44:44 The Heart of a Godly Leader

The Heart of a Godly Leader

Given by Ken Treybig

Jesus said if we want to be great we should serve. But is that all there is to it—just serve, serve, serve and everything will be fine? Is it just a “skill set” or is there more to the Bible’s instruction about godly leadership? It’s a huge topic, but let’s go over some crucial basics of...