
55:26 Sow What

Sow What

Given by Nathan Willoughby

1:05:51 Have You “Taken Delivery” (Jude 1:3)

Have You “Taken Delivery” (Jude 1:3)

Given by Doug Johnson

In his short letter near the end of the New Testament, Jude tells the brethren that he "found it necessary" to exhort them to "contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 1:3). He said in the same verse that he had been diligent to speak often to them of...

58:13 Rest in Peace

Rest in Peace

Given by Scott Hammer

Matt. 11:28-30 says our rest, our peace lies in our connection to Jesus Christ. The burdens we carry in our daily lives are shouldered by Jesus. Our ultimate rest in the Kingdom of God awaits us, Heb. 4.

1:13:28 Healing, Part 2

Healing, Part 2

Given by Paul Carter

We have a special gift offered to us... The gift of healing. What does that gift involve, and what do we need to do? This is part two of two sermons on "Healing".

57:58 Being Perfect

Being Perfect

Given by Greg Sargent

We are commanded to become perfect like God. We could translate the word “perfect” as “mature” or “complete” nevertheless mature like God is very spiritually mature. Overcoming to be in the Kingdom of God demands nothing less than striving for perfection which we won’t achieve unless we demand perfection for ourselves. Matthew 5 gives us the details concerning areas of...

1:08:48 Do You or Will You Believe God a Little Bit More?

Do You or Will You Believe God a Little Bit More?

Given by David Jackson

As we complete the first month of another year and we look back to consider all that had taken place in our lives last year, do we see God's hand? Do those instances make us believe God a little bit more? Do they increase our faith and confidence that His words are just and true? Will we believe God a...

46:04 For the Elect's Sake

For the Elect's Sake

Given by Ralph Levy

Seventy-five years ago the first atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Sine then many have wondered: will humanity end this way? The answer is no, because of the elect of God. Who are the elect, and how did they become the elect?

48:36 Where Was God?

Where Was God?

Given by Phil Sandilands

1:05:01 Healing, Part 1

Healing, Part 1

Given by Paul Carter

We have a special gift offered to us... The gift of healing. What does that gift involve, and what do we need to do? This is part one of two sermons on "Healing".