
58:33 Widen Your Hearts

Widen Your Hearts

Given by Jason Hyde

This message explores Paul's admonition for Christians to widen their hearts.

1:05:54 Why Did God Place Us in the Church

Why Did God Place Us in the Church

Given by David Johnson

One of Jesus' most important promises was to build an enduring Church. The New Testament Church is in many ways very different from Old Testament Israel. So why do we need to be placed into the Church? And what does God expect of those who are placed within the one Church Jesus promised to build?

55:31 How Do We Measure Unity

How Do We Measure Unity

Given by Don Henson

51:49 Unity in Marriage

Unity in Marriage

Given by Ken Treybig

When marriage began, we're told a man should leave, cleave and become "one" with his wife. Was that man's or God's instruction? What are some of the things that are associated with these instructions? What can we do to BUILD on them in marriage—if we’re already married? And what would be very helpful to know about...

1:04:40 Controlling the Battlefield of the Mind

Controlling the Battlefield of the Mind

Given by Jon Pinelli

The mind is the site of momentous battles that have taken place since the Garden of Eden. If we can control the battlefield, we control the battle. This sermon explores four areas of the mind we need to control in order to win the battle.

1:13:11 A Life of Obedience

A Life of Obedience

Given by Doug Johnson

Why do we obey God? “Because that’s what is right according to the Bible!” we might answer. True! But how and why do we obey Him? That goes a bit deeper! Take a look at obedience on three levels, each with greater depth of understanding. Which one motivates us?

1:01:06 Conflict Resolution in Acts 15

Conflict Resolution in Acts 15

Given by Dave Myers

What can we learn about conflict resolution from the early Church? The resolution that came about in Acts 15 provides us several lessons we can use today.

1:13:11 Consider it: Fasting, Part 3

Consider it: Fasting, Part 3

Given by David Jackson

51:30 The Old Covenant, The New Covenant, and the Law

The Old Covenant, The New Covenant, and the Law

Given by Jon Pinelli

An epic battle has ensued since 31 AD. It is a battle to pit the Old Covenant against the New Covenant. In this battle people use the Law of God as a wedge issue between the two Covenants. Is the Law abolished under the New Covenant?