Given by Arnold Hampton
Given by David Jackson
Given by Clyde Kilough
One of the Church's Fundamental Beliefs centers on several specific promises from God. Without understanding this doctrine one cannot fully comprehend many fulfilled—and yet to be fulfilled— prophecies, nor can you understand the spiritual aspects pertaining to God's plan of salvation for all humanity. What is it about this doctrine that we must understand?
Given by David Jackson
Continuing the series on the Principles of Spiritual Growth, Mr. Jackson covers the absolute need for repentance. When we relize that we have sinned, then we must move toward repentance.
Given by David Jackson
Now that we are back form the Feast, we need to maintain our focus.
Given by David Jackson
Mr. Jackson reviews the messages that he heard while keeping The Feast of Tabernacles in Orange Beach, FL.
Given by Ralph Levy
As we come back from the Feast of Tabernacles, it is a good time to plan for a year of good Bible study. This sermon offers some suggestions regarding time, selection of subjects, and resources.
Given by David Jackson
This Day of Atonement is a very humbling day but also a very exciting day in the Plan of God. Mr. Jackson covers why this day is a vital step in God's master plan for mankind.
Given by David Jackson
Who is Lucifer, the one who became Satan the Devil and what is the significance of 5th Holy Day in God's master plan of salvation, The Day of Atonement. Mr. Jackson will cover who Satan is, what is he up to and what is his fate in this world? This is knowledge that every mature Christian and Child of God...