
1:12:42 Preparing for the Fall Holy Days, Part 1

Preparing for the Fall Holy Days, Part 1

Given by David Jackson

If you knew that Jesus Christ was returning to earth in a few day or weeks, what would you do—or want to be found doing? Matt 24:1-28

1:00:11 Prophecy: A Review of the Basics

Prophecy: A Review of the Basics

Given by Ralph Levy

Many events on the world scene now tie in with end-time Bible prophecy. We are bombarded with information and misinformation, but the basics of prophetic understanding in God's Church remain constant. This sermon provides a refresher in guidelines for watching world events in the light of biblical prophecy.

1:02:56 A Spiritual Perspective on Aging

A Spiritual Perspective on Aging

Given by Clyde Kilough

Growing older is an inevitable part of life. What does God have to say about it? What can we learn from His Word about aging and especially how it relates to our being the work of His hands.

1:15:04 Consider it: Fasting, Part 2

Consider it: Fasting, Part 2

Given by David Jackson

As part of the Principles of Spiritual Growth series, Mr. Jackson continues to discus the principle of Fasting. What should you consider after prayer, bible study, meditation and you are still dealing with the pulls of a sin or negative influence? What happens when you give in to that influence and sin,

1:10:06 Consider it: Fasting, Part 1

Consider it: Fasting, Part 1

Given by David Jackson

As part of the Principles of Spiritual Growth series, Mr. Jackson covers the principle of Fasting. What happens after prayer, bible study, meditation and you are still dealing with the pulls of a sin or negative influence? What happens when you give in to that influence and sin, again. What do you do now?

55:10 Sex and the Sabbath

Sex and the Sabbath

Given by Britton Taylor

The Sabbath is Holy so what can we do? This sermon examines seven epoch events that have shaped the way we observe the Sabbath day.

1:10:05 Who Is God?

Who Is God?

Given by Ralph Levy

Who Is God? Is He a Trinity? A family? And who or what is the Holy Spirit? This sermon examines some of these questions.

1:03:20 Why is Everyone so Angry?

Why is Everyone so Angry?

Given by David Johnson

All around the world there seems to be an explosion in anger. In some ways this should not surprise us because Scripture tells us anger will be a hallmark of the end time. But where is all of this anger coming from? Is there a spiritual component that should concern Christians? What can we do to avoid being swept up...

1:01:27 Christ's Sacrifice --- Reviewing what Took Place

Christ's Sacrifice --- Reviewing what Took Place

Given by Mark Winner