Given by Tom Clark
What does it look like when our hearts are filled with love toward God and love toward other people? What does it look like? It looks like humility.
Given by Randal Salyer
The book of First Thessalonians really is a beautiful picture of a congregation that's in the midst of a bustling society with opposition and resistance all around them, opposition and resistance from those who would persecute them, and yet their faith was so strong and their understanding of what God was doing with them and for them and indeed ultimately...
Given by Tom Clark
What is your focus in life? Do we understand the simple truths that God has laid out for us in his Word? Do we have this kind of focus on the coming kingdom of God?
Given by Tom Clark
Through our trials, God sees who we are at our core, just as he saw Abraham when he was tested. Hopefully, our Father is able to say about each one of us hte same thing he said about Abraham, now I know that you love me and you will obey me.
Given by Wes Cohron
How often do we look for pride when examining ourselves? How often do we admit that we have pride and repent of it? With the Spring Holy Days approaching it is important that we recognize this inconspicuous sin, which has been referred to as “the father” of all sins.
Given by Caleb Froedge
Just as the plants and trees need sunlight to utilize the energy for change and growth, we desperately needed the "light of the world" to shine forth in the darkness setting the example for us to follow. There is a process and spiritual "life cycle" that involves: receiving the light, change, growth, glorification, and being a...
Given by Michael Hanisko
What does it mean to be pure in heart? A pre-Passover sermon.
Given by Zach Smith
In Hebrews 8:6, the new covenant is called a better covenant. What is new about it and why is it better compared to the old? This message examines the better promises of the new covenant as outlined in Jeremiah 31:31-34.
Given by David Jackson
Do we choose bondage to the law of sin and death, where we ultimately end up loving our captor, or do we seek freedom through the law of the Spirit of life in Christ? As we remove leaven from our homes and living spaces in the days and weeks ahead, I pray that God helps us all comprehend the spiritual...