Given by Chris Moen
Five proofs, mostly from the Books of John of who Jesus Christ was--that He was more than a mere man when he walked the earth, and that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. A pre-Passover sermon.
Given by Chris Moen
In this Bible study I'll explore with you a series of interconnected promises Christ shared with His disciples during His last Passover with them. A pre-Passover message.
Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by Scott Lord
Hansen's Disease, also known as Leprosy, is a perfect physical type of Sin. What can we learn while preparing for the Spring Holy Days from this disease?
Given by Justin Adkins
As we approach Passover, what can we do to make it fresh in our minds? Are we capable of learning something new about Passover? Are we teachable? We look at the traits and the example of the Bereans.
Given by John Foster
It's important that we grasp the meaning since the Pharisees didn't.
Given by Tom Clark
What is the most unique understanding God has given his people? It may just be the knowledge that today is not the only day of salvation. God has a plan that is much greater than what the world understands. We are very blessed to have that understanding, to be able to go forward and use it, that this isn't the...
Given by James Ellis
Bitterness can have a very negative impact on the human heart, but the Bible provides a methodical way of dealing with it.
Given by Zach Smith
As baptized members of God’s Church we are parties to the new covenant. But part of appreciating the features and upgrades of a new model comes from comparing it to the old. This message examines the features, benefits and limitations of the old covenant to set a baseline of understanding in helping us appreciate what is better about the...