
47:32 What Is The Focus Of Your Life?

What Is The Focus Of Your Life?

Given by Tom Clark

What is your focus in life? Do we understand the simple truths that God has laid out for us in his Word? Do we have this kind of focus on the coming kingdom of God?

1:07:20 Building Spiritual Bridges

Building Spiritual Bridges

Given by Tom Letellier

1:00:55 Fifteen Guidelines for a Growing Church

Fifteen Guidelines for a Growing Church

Given by Ron Kelley

What characteristics should you look to find in your Church fellowship? How do these help you decide whether or not this is the Church you want to attend? In the sermon, we'll describe 15 essential characteristics of a growing Church.

1:00:25 Seeking Unity Within the Marriage Relationship

Seeking Unity Within the Marriage Relationship

Given by James Ellis

Through God's institution of the marriage covenant, two separate individuals merge together to form one intimate relationship. However, becoming "one flesh" does not automatically produce unity. It must be pursued by both husband and wife. This message explores some ways to develop and maintain unity within marriage.

37:01 Super Seekers

Super Seekers

Given by Kevin Troyer

We're told to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. As we go about seeking spiritual things, there are four things we should know. What does it mean to seek? What does it look like to seek? How does one go about seeking? And, how do we know we are doing a good job of seeking? Knowing this...

48:08 Inauguration of Joshua and Lessons For Us Today

Inauguration of Joshua and Lessons For Us Today

Given by John Foster

The choosing of Joshua and what he and Israel had to learn.

40:48 Lessons from Blind Bartimaeus

Lessons from Blind Bartimaeus

Given by Scott Lord

What can a Blind Beggar, from Jericho teach us about how we should live? In this message we'll explore what we can learn from Blind Bartimaeus.

56:18 Tempt or Test?

Tempt or Test?

Given by Phil Sandilands

57:09 Pursuing Perfection

Pursuing Perfection

Given by James Ellis

What should a Christian's pursuit of perfection look like?