Given by Don Henson
Peter wrote that our promised inheritance is “incorruptible, undefiled and does not fade away.” As we work through the gloomy months of winter and deal with our personal trials and challenges… how can we keep our vision of that promise clearly in mind?
Given by Jason Hyde
Given by Mark Winner
The time is coming where we will see a battle between the two witnesses empowered by God and the false prophet empowered by Satan. This will entail deception and miracles of the false prophet, the death and resurrection of the two witnesses, and the ultimate destruction of the false prophet...
Given by Ivor Mitchell
1 Peter 3:7 refers to the wife as a weaker vessel. Is this a negative statement about women or a positive analogy of the higher level of love a husband must rise to fulfill God's purpose for marriage.
Given by Taylor Tootle
God is a wonderful gift giver. Each gift He gives is for a specific purpose. Joy and Peace are two gifts He gives to help us in times of trouble to be able to look beyond present circumstances to the future God has promised.
Given by Rick Avent
Given by Marty Miller
Being “born again” has been a popular concept among Evangelical Christians. What do they mean by “born again”? What did Jesus Christ mean when he said it in John 3? Are we born again Christians?
Given by DJ Haney
We take a look at the Gibeonites, both in Joshua's time and centuries later in David's time, and some lessons that we can learn from their story.
Given by Dave Pennington