Given by Randal Salyer
The book of First Thessalonians really is a beautiful picture of a congregation that's in the midst of a bustling society with opposition and resistance all around them, opposition and resistance from those who would persecute them, and yet their faith was so strong and their understanding of what God was doing with them and for them and indeed ultimately...
Given by Ron Kelley
Can we answer questions about the belief of the immortality of the soul? What scriptures are used to try to prove it? How do we answer them? What scriptures would we use to prove the soul is not immortal? Part of our continuing series on being ready to give an answer.
Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by Bruce Gore
God is “family”! We need to have a close relationship with God so we can feel his presence in our lives. He wants us to be part of His family.
Given by Don Henson
Bible Study - History of the Kings of Israel (#2) - 2 Samuel 2-3
Given by Marty Miller
When faced with the choice, people tend to choose their own ideas over actual truth. Do we ever do this with the Bible? Having a love of the truth is linked to our salvation. Do we love the truth?
Given by Dave Pennington
Given by Michael Hanisko
Given by Justin Adkins
As Christians, we need to be able to distinguish between words, deeds and appearances of things that are true and those that are false. But more than that, you must be able to tell between right and almost right. Sometimes, it’s cut and dried, the differences are very apparent. Other times, it can be very hard to tell the...