
22:37 Series on Church History: Paul's Second Journey Part A

Series on Church History: Paul's Second Journey Part A

Given by John Foster

Continuation of series on Paul. His second journey Part A

1:07:58 Weariness


Given by Justin Adkins

Satan will try to crush us with weariness and feelings of being overwhelmed. End time prophecies speak of a falling away… of the elect being disheartened and deceived. That won’t happen if we, as Christians, are alert and active. We have a well-spring of strength and help available to us if we learn how to use it and take...

1:05:35 Love God With All of Your Heart, Soul, and Mind

Love God With All of Your Heart, Soul, and Mind

Given by Taylor Tootle

Exploring Matthew 22:37 through the filter of self-examination. Do we love God to the degree Jesus described in the greatest commandment?

1:07:15 What We Know - and Don't Know - About the Spiritual Realm, Part 3

What We Know - and Don't Know - About the Spiritual Realm, Part 3

Given by Rick Avent

1:15:26 Jesus Christ Returns, And Then?

Jesus Christ Returns, And Then?

Given by Bruce Gore

We look forward to the return of Christ. But what happens after He returns? This sermon discusses the return of Jesus Christ and the events that will follow, including the restoration of the earth, the establishment of God's Kingdom, and the various jobs and roles that will be available to people in the Millennium.

1:05:38 How Near is God to You?

How Near is God to You?

Given by Chris Moen

In this sermon, from God’s own word, He promises that He can come nearer to us than we can probably imagine, and how He can always stay near us if we seek Him. It’s a message about having faith in times of uncertainty.

59:49 Sweet Dreams - But Don't Get Too Comfortable

Sweet Dreams - But Don't Get Too Comfortable

Given by Don Henson

All thing considered it seems that God intended us to spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Why is it such an important part of our lives and what lessons does the Bible teach about sleep?

1:00:56 Facing the Wilderness

Facing the Wilderness

Given by Dave Myers

The wilderness is often thought of as hard, perilous, lonely and dangerous. But is there a better way to look at the spiritual wilderness God asks us to traverse?

1:05:59 The Need to Know

The Need to Know

Given by Doug Horchak

God reveals much truth and understanding to His people. Yet there are elements of prophecy and events in the future that we are not aware of. Our Heavenly Father gives understanding to His people—both as individuals and as the Church—on a “need to know” basis, and we can trust He will do just that!