
36:38 Creation Reveals an Engineer

Creation Reveals an Engineer

Given by Ryan Luecke

The creation reveals that God is the master Designer! We wouldn’t have electrical, computer, aerospace nor optical engineering without God, the master Engineer.

46:25 Fighting Anxiety

Fighting Anxiety

Given by Tim Foster

Worry can become anxiety. Anxiety can become depression. God tells us not to worry or to fret, so we'll look at 4 anxieties we can fight and see what scripture says to help us.

48:27 Misquoting Paul

Misquoting Paul

Given by Phil Sandilands

40:26 Give the Sacrifices God Wants

Give the Sacrifices God Wants

Given by Gary Summers

Making sacrifices is a regular part of our everyday lives. One of the ways we can please God, is to give the sacrifices He wants. We will briefly review 4 of the ways that we can grow at giving the sacrifices God wants, and in turn please Him.

47:51 Godly Unity, Behold How Good and Pleasant It Is

Godly Unity, Behold How Good and Pleasant It Is

Given by Roger Ellis

Today we’ll look at how to maintain yet overcome obstacles to Godly Unity.

1:02:42 Judging With Righteous Judgment

Judging With Righteous Judgment

Given by Clyde Kilough

The Bible never says that Christians are not to judge, but Jesus made it very clear that we are to “judge with righteous judgment.” But what exactly does righteous judgment look like, and why is this so important to our spiritual maturity?

58:13 Deception


Given by Pat Sinon

56:54 Seven Prayers of Jesus

Seven Prayers of Jesus

Given by Michael Hanisko

1:16:22 A Brief Review of End-time Events

A Brief Review of End-time Events

Given by Bruce Gore

What does the Bible say about prophecies related to the end times? We look at multiple prophesies from the minor prophets regarding these times and what we can expect to happen.