
1:06:20 To Whom Much Is Given

To Whom Much Is Given

Given by Ron Kelley

We have received so many blessings from God. What does He require from us in return?

59:48 Wrestling With God

Wrestling With God

Given by Chad Messerly

There are times trials will show up in our lives. How do we approach them? How do we move forward? How do we find our strength? Learn how from Jacob and his struggle with God.

58:35 Remember From Where You Have Fallen

Remember From Where You Have Fallen

Given by Dave Pennington

36:46 Bible Study: The Millennial Environment - Part 2

Bible Study: The Millennial Environment - Part 2

Given by Michael Hanisko


34:37 What Is the Lake of Fire?

What Is the Lake of Fire?

Given by Michael Hanisko

42:09 From Contamination to Decontamination

From Contamination to Decontamination

Given by Kevin Troyer

Satan has contaminated everything and everyone in this world. He has contaminated the world, he tries to contaminate God's truth, and he even contaminates us. In the future, God will decontaminate His creation, including us, but we must be working hard to get ready for that decontamination.

59:24 Is God Fair?

Is God Fair?

Given by David Johnson

We often fail to consider the principles behind God’s laws. For example, why does sin always produce a death penalty? Is God being fair to require people to live by His laws, or is He being arbitrary?

1:09:56 What We Know - and Don't Know - About the Spiritual Realm, Part 1

What We Know - and Don't Know - About the Spiritual Realm, Part 1

Given by Rick Avent

1:05:00 Judging Righteous Judgment

Judging Righteous Judgment

Given by Ron Kelley

We are going to look into the concept of judgment. What is the will of God in regards to being “judgmental”? How we make judgments is very importance.