
35:13 Are You Wandering from God

Are You Wandering from God

Given by Gregg Pennington

1:05:54 Why Did God Place Us in the Church

Why Did God Place Us in the Church

Given by David Johnson

1:06:33 Love vs. Tolerance

Love vs. Tolerance

Given by Phil Sandilands

58:51 Are You a Saint?

Are You a Saint?

Given by Doug Johnson

The word "saint" conjures images of somebody who is "too perfect" and perhaps a little boring for most normal humans! Is that what it means to God, from the pages of His word?

1:03:20 Angels - Servants of God - Part 1

Angels - Servants of God - Part 1

Given by Dave Myers

Occasionally in the scripture the veil obscuring the spirit world is lifted just enough to give us a glimpse of what exists there in the realm of angels. What does the Bible say about angels?

54:22 Two Disciples, Two Hearts, Two Conclusions

Two Disciples, Two Hearts, Two Conclusions

Given by Jon Pinelli

Two of the twelve disciples who followed Jesus during His 3 1/2 year ministry came to very different end results in terms of their lives. How is that possible given they heard and saw the same things Jesus taught?

57:24 Why Give to God?

Why Give to God?

Given by Ken Treybig

We read VERY early in human history about humans offering some of their possessions as a gift to God who in reality needs NOTHING from us. And the first time we read about someone being RICH, in very short order we read about him tithing to God. What all does the Bible say and what do we learn from these...

55:26 Sow What

Sow What

Given by Nathan Willoughby

1:05:51 Have You “Taken Delivery” (Jude 1:3)

Have You “Taken Delivery” (Jude 1:3)

Given by Doug Johnson

In his short letter near the end of the New Testament, Jude tells the brethren that he "found it necessary" to exhort them to "contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 1:3). He said in the same verse that he had been diligent to speak often to them of...