Given by Joel Meeker
A slogan created to promote good morale, emerging from the Second World War, can serve as a useful reminder to Christians in times of trial.
Given by Mark D Winner
Given by Jim Franks
It is very important that we understand the basic principles of Christianity. And it is very important that we put those principles into practice. The most basic key to Christianity is practice, practice, practice. We grow by doing.
Given by Doug Horchak
During times of crisis, especially on a world-wide scale, we can get caught up in uncertainty, fear, and even panic. God’s truth, His promises, and our relationship with Him gives us peace and hope in times of distress.
Given by Nathan Willoughby
Given by DJ Haney
We take a close look at 1 Thessalonians 5:14, and how it relates to strengthening the Church family. In it, we are told to warn, comfort, and uphold the brethren.
Given by Marty Miller
People have varying perspectives on self-defense. Is it right or wrong? How should a Christian view self-defense? What does the Bible say?
Given by Greg Sargent
Leaven is an important symbol but it’s not a symbol of bread; it’s a symbol of spreading malice, hypocrisy, wickedness and false doctrine. We absolutely eliminate leaven from our homes after the Passover but God isn’t interested in crumbs. We eliminate leaven so we can avoid the sin of eating leavened products. More importantly, our primary focus...
Given by Steve McNeely
We can be grateful for our relationship with God through the grace He offers.