
58:42 Walking by Faith

Walking by Faith

Given by Don Henson

1:06:07 Fellowship


Given by Phil Sandilands

1:11:52 What Will You Take Away From the Spring Holy Days 2020

What Will You Take Away From the Spring Holy Days 2020

Given by Paul Carter

There are lessons we learn from the Holy Days every year! Some are physical lessons, some spiritual, and some by what we go through.

54:14 Limiting God

Limiting God

Given by Jon Pinelli

God is All powerful and Almighty. He has power that we cannot begin to fully comprehend and understand. However in spite of that fact, we as humans have the ability to limit God and His power. This sermon examines how Israel limited God's power and what lesson that teaches us.

57:43 The Great Events of Unleavened Bread

The Great Events of Unleavened Bread

Given by Dave Myers

Several stunning events took place during the Days of Unleavened Bread. What were these events and what can we learn from them?

33:56 The Weeks of Unleavened Bread

The Weeks of Unleavened Bread

Given by DJ Haney

The Days of Unleavened Bread represent the way we ought to live our entire lives - sin-free and full of Christ. We look at the methods we use to stay physically unleavened throughout the Week and apply those as an analogy for how to stay spiritually unleavened throughout the years.

59:16 The Bread of Life

The Bread of Life

Given by Doug Horchak

Last Day of Unleavened Bread Sermon

1:13:44 The Anatomy of Sin

The Anatomy of Sin

Given by Paul Carter

What does it mean to break something down into smaller parts? To look at the internal workings of something? Let's look at the anatomy of sin! What makes it work, where does it come from, and how does it grow?

50:29 Mine Eyes Upon the Lord Continually Are Set

Mine Eyes Upon the Lord Continually Are Set

Given by Jon Pinelli

The journey to the shores of the Red Sea are recorded in only a few verses. However in those verses, there is a very strong lesson for ancient Israel. It is a very important lesson for us today.