Given by Jon Pinelli
Imagine wanting something so badly that you ache for it. Then imagine giving that same thing up. Hannah wanted a son so badly, she made a vow to God. Once born, she gave him back to God. What can we learn from her life to benefit us?
Given by Jason Hyde
Given by Ken Treybig
With the COVID-19 pandemic and people’s increased interest in it, this seems like a perfect time to talk about prophecy. Some scholars estimate about 1/3 of the Bible is prophecy. What’s so important about prophecy? What purposes does it serve and who is it for—believers, unbelievers or both—and why? Today I’d like to share with you...
Given by Jim Franks
Fear is a natural human emotion. There are circumstances when having fear is not only good, but warranted. It is when fear paralyzes us and prevents us from following God or hinders our relationship with God that it must be overcome. The example of the prophet Elijah and the “still small voice” that directed him when he was overwhelmed with...
Given by Britton Taylor
God said He would build His Church. As individuals, we have a responsibility to fit within the structure of the Church so that the Church can accomplish the work God has set before us.
Given by Gary Lutz
Given by Dave Myers
All humans are born with a birth defect that will eventually be fatal. Learn what that defect is and how it can be cured.
Given by Rick Avent
Given by Greg Sargent
We can prove that the Israelites under the Old Covenant were commanded to keep the 10 Commandments. Under the New Covenant, are both Gentiles and Israelites commanded to obey all 10 Commandments? Can you locate the scriptures to prove it?