Given by James Ellis
Galatians chapter 6 references spiritual seeds that lead to everlasting life. What are those seeds? When and where are we expected to sow them?
Given by Jon Pinelli
We live with many misconceptions. Is it possible we may have some misconceptions about the Holy Spirit? This sermon explores that question.
Given by Garett Pennington
Given by Dave Pennington
Given by Roger Ellis
Today let’s see what we can learn from the choice that the New Testament Church made on the day of Pentecost.
Given by Hal Henderson
Split-Sermon The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is at pandemic proportions, causing more than a quarter million deaths worldwide as of early May 2020. Consider the parallels between the current worldwide viral infection and an even deadlier spiritual pandemic - the infection of sin.
Given by Doug Johnson
Split-Sermon As with most things dealing with human beings, our recent self-isolation from the novel coronavirus affects us all. Is that good or bad? Or both? Are there any spiritual analogies we ought to know about? Let’s take a look…
Given by David Jackson
Given by Joel Meeker
Modern society is transitioning from a text-orientation to an image-orientation. How should a Christian consider this? How important should reading be to us? How should we communicate online? Answers to these questions are all related, and guiding principles are found in the Bible.