Given by Steve McNeely
Things can change rather quickly. How did the Church go from the unity in the upper room before Pentecost to the divisions in Corinth in a few decades? We must be sure we stay faithful to the truth to the end.
Given by Kevin Troyer
When it comes to God’s truth, there are many skeptics. We must know what the truth is and know where to find it so that we can defend it. We look at five debate questions: who, what, where, when, why of the truth, and then find the answers in the Bible.
Given by Gary Summers
God has given each of us the precious gift of His Holy Spirit. We receive countless blessings as a result of God's gift to us. Let's look at just a few of the incredible blessings of the gift of God's Holy Spirit.
Given by John Duncan
Given by Doug Horchak
During this unprecedented pandemic—and the global uncertainty, fear, death and chaos it is causing—we need to react from God’s perspective, not man’s. Let’s take a step back and consider whose world this currently is (Satan’s) and whose people we are (God’s).
Given by Greg Sargent
God tells us to preach “in season.” The Holy Day seasons reveal the plan of God; keeping Satan’s seasons blinds our spiritual understanding. Additionally, keeping Pentecost reminds us that God opened the door for all mankind to become the Israel of God and enter God’s kingdom.
Given by Don Henson
Given by Doug Johnson
The current coronavirus pandemic has now kept us from in-person church services since March 7. What should we be aware of as we “come home” to recognizable patterns of “assembling together?” What will be different? What will be familiar? How are we different? How should we see these things?
Given by Phil Sandilands