Given by DJ Haney
We discuss habits and the impact that they have on our lives (for good and for bad). We also take a look at some of the science behind our habits and how we can work with our body's natural habit-forming mechanisms to create good habits and break bad habits.
Given by Matt Pavlik
Split-Sermon Unexpected events can lead to panic if we are caught unprepared. Jesus Christ instructed His disciples to be ready for His return. What does mean to be prepared? And, how do Christians make sure that they are prepared, so they the are truly ready for what is coming.
Given by Doug Johnson
Split-Sermon We're told in the book of James that Elijah was a man "with a nature like ours" (James 5:17). Yet even he had his moments of weakness. What do we need to take from his experiences (strong and weak) to strengthen our faith?
Given by David Jackson
Given by David Johnson
The Israelites didn’t take the route they expected when leaving Egypt. How about us? Are we taking the lessons of Unleavened Bread with us as we head toward Pentecost? Are we still taking in the mind of Christ—the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth? Or has the world begun to leaven our thinking?
Given by Paul Carter
We are given a direct admonition "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit". How is that done? What does that spirit do for us, and mean to us, and how is it grieved, This sermon addresses how we use Gods Holy Spirit.
Given by Don Henson
Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by Don Henson