Given by Doug Johnson
There are always gaps, or intervals, between holy day seasons. We’re in one now—perhaps the “strangest” interval ever! The early New Testament church had a “strange interval” too, the year Christ died and was resurrected—the same year the Church of God began on Pentecost. What did they go through, and what did they learn? What will we...
Given by Don Henson
Given by Caleb Froedge
One if the most challenging areas of growth is learning patience. God’s timing is always perfect, but sometimes that means we must wait on God’s timing. This sermon looks at what happens when mankind takes matters into their own hands rather than wait for God’s perfect timing. How do we respond when we have to wait? Is...
Given by John Trotter
Review of how God looks at blood and the significance to Christians.
Given by Nathan Willoughby
Given by Doug Johnson
What will our world look like, “post-COVID-19?” What will the Church of God look like? Where do you and I fit in the whole scenario? What should we do about it all?
Given by Andy Burnett
In Romans 6-8 the apostle Paul addresses an aspect of the spiritual battle waged in our lives between our human nature and God’s divine nature, which He places in us.
Given by Joel Meeker
Does Covid-19 fit somewhere in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy? Where? What should we look for in the future? Here are some answers from the Bible.
Given by Dave Myers
Seemingly small occurrences can actually have very large consequences. What consequences came from a small rolled gravestone outside in a small city in a small part of the world?