Given by Paul Carter
God's Holy Spirit is a helper in so many ways. Itis the Power of God, and as we use it it will produce Joy. Are you "happy"? Do you have "Joy"? This message addresses both of these and the difference between them.
Given by Don Henson
Given by Greg Sargent
None of us like trials because we are tempted to not act like a Christian. Yet God tells us in the inspired book of James to be joyful when we are tempted. Does God tempt us and if not what is the cause of temptations? Why does God allow us to be tempted?
Given by Jon Pinelli
A popular belief has gained some traction in the CoG community. It is called the Priesthood of all Believers. It is not new, and actually has a root going back to Martin Luther. This study looks at whether there is a Priesthood of all Believers or, in fact, a ministry ordained of God.
Given by Caleb Froedge
God has not only called us to be a part of the building that Christ is developing, but we are also to be fellow workers with Christ. We all are builders to one degree or another. This sermon looks at how physical building principles point to spiritual building principles. This sermon looks at 7 points that all good builders need to...
Given by Jon Pinelli
The Church is currently in the middle of a crisis. A crisis not of our own making, but we still must deal with it. This is not new. The first Century Church had to deal with crisis as well. This sermon looks at a number of crises that the Church has faced and how they were dealt with.
Given by Nathan Willoughby
Given by Gregg Pennington
Given by Dave Myers
What is the greatest gift one could receive? In this sermon we will cover the requirements for receiving what the Bible calls the heavenly gift, the unspeakable gift and the gift of God.