
46:10 Overcome/Change


Given by Greg Sargent

During the season of Pentecost, we are reminded that God’s Spirit is one of power. We need God’s help to overcome the works of the flesh that were symbolically buried at baptism but are still engrained in us and need to be overcome. If we don’t change, God will purge us in ways that are unpleasant so...

40:36 What Are We Leaving Behind

What Are We Leaving Behind

Given by Caleb Froedge

In Deuteronomy 24 and Leviticus 23 we find the principal of leaving part of the harvest behind for others to glean. Is there a lesson for us to learn? What are we to leave behind in this life, and what is God going to ultimately leave behind?

1:08:08 One Sure Sign of God’s People

One Sure Sign of God’s People

Given by Doug Johnson

Just what did Jesus mean when He said “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another?” What’s the difference in the affection among the brethren of the Church compared to other groups of people who associate with friends, family, neighbors?

43:53 The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift

Given by Dave Myers

What is the greatest gift one could receive? In this sermon we will cover the requirements for receiving what the Bible calls the heavenly gift, the unspeakable gift and the gift of God.

58:26 Bible Study: Who Is the Beast?

Bible Study: Who Is the Beast?

Given by Jon Pinelli

Revelation 13 speaks of a beast. Who is this beast? Why is it important to know who it is? This Bible study explores this prophetic topic.

1:03:44 Pentecost: Resetting Priorities

Pentecost: Resetting Priorities

Given by Jim Franks

Each year, through the annual festivals, we are reminded of our priorities as Christians. On Pentecost we focus on the coming of the Holy Spirit and the importance of the Church in our lives.

1:13:27 Pentecost—The Glorious Plan and the Law of God

Pentecost—The Glorious Plan and the Law of God

Given by David Jackson

58:21 The Importance of Pentecost

The Importance of Pentecost

Given by Ken Treybig

It seems rather appropriate that we should be restarting services of the Church after a three month drought of in-person services on the weekend of the Feast that pictures the start of the Church. I’m sure we will hear more about specific details and implications of Pentecost tomorrow on the webcast from headquarters. However, today let’s look at...

1:05:35 Spiritual Gifts and Natural Abilities

Spiritual Gifts and Natural Abilities

Given by Jon Pinelli

In 31 AD the Holy Spirit came and the Church was formed. Do we realize that the Holy Spirit has given us gifts within the overall gift of the Spirit? This sermon discusses spiritual gifts and why they were given.