
1:02:59 Will You Sleep Through the Revolution

Will You Sleep Through the Revolution

Given by Jim Franks

First Day of Unleavened Bread Sermon

41:34 Humility Leads to Mercy and Courage

Humility Leads to Mercy and Courage

Given by Ken Treybig

This is a very different Passover season for us, but the message is the same. Today I’d like to explore some examples of Christ’s humility with you and see how humility fits in with Passover and the blessings it brings us.

1:14:35 Repentance


Given by Paul Carter

What do you need to repent of? Do we only repent of past sin, or breaking Gods Law? Is repentance simply to stop doing something, or is there much more? This sermon takes a deeper look into the subject of reoentance.

57:48 Hope Begins With Passover

Hope Begins With Passover

Given by Nathan Willoughby

1:00:06 Preparing for the Passover: Two Thoughts and a Key

Preparing for the Passover: Two Thoughts and a Key

Given by Andy Burnett

As we prepare for the Passover in 2020 during very interesting times, consider these two thoughts and an overriding key that apply to both Passover and our daily lives.

55:02 Why I Need This Passover

Why I Need This Passover

Given by Dave Myers

The first commanded festival illustrating God’s great plan shows that the beginning of the plan is critical to its success. But why do Christians need the Passover?

53:42 Why Do We Celebrate Passover Instead of Easter?

Why Do We Celebrate Passover Instead of Easter?

Given by Phil Sandilands

58:04 Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

Given by Don Henson

36:48 The Blood of the New Covenant

The Blood of the New Covenant

Given by Caleb Froedge

In the old covenant, blood was very important regarding the forgiveness of sin. What about the new covenant? How important is Christ’s shed blood for the deliverance from sin? This sermon looks at the blood of the new covenant.