Given by Nathan Willoughby
Given by David Jackson
This week, Mr. Jackson looks into the pages of Bible to wee just what does the Bible says about having fun. Surrounded by sorrows, troubles and conflicts it is important know that God wants us to let our hair down and have a little bit of fun. Enjoying life God's way.
Given by Mike Moore
In this message Mike Moore covers a perspective on man's flaws. Why is man flawed? Why do we sin? And what do your decisions have to do with it all?
Given by Greg Sargent
A recent report from the Munich Conference calling for a strong European Defense and other significant news sheds light on biblical prophecy. The European Union wants to become a peace-keeping security force in the Middle East that replaces and significantly changes the present U.S. peace plan for a Palestinian state. China is developing a space program that will have...
Given by Dan Summy
Given by Tom Letellier
Given by Dave Myers
Occasionally in the scripture the veil obscuring the spirit world is lifted just enough to give us a glimpse of what exists there in the realm of angels. What does the Bible say about angels?
Given by Dave Myers
Reviewing 2nd Peter 2:5-14
Given by Hal Henderson
Is this tragic event the action of a harsh and vindictive God of the Old Testament or of a thin-skinned, angry prophet? How are we to understand this event? Does it hold lessons for us today, more than 2,800 years later?