
1:03:22 The Miracles of the Exodus, Part 4

The Miracles of the Exodus, Part 4

Given by Rick Avent

59:32 Believe in the Gospel

Believe in the Gospel

Given by Jon Pinelli

Part of Jesus Christ's message was to believe in the gospel. How does that apply to us as we prepare for Pentecost in a few weeks?

1:05:05 Bible Study: Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

Bible Study: Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

Given by Jon Pinelli

In Matthew 25, Jesus gave three parables after His Olivet prophecy. The final of the three parables has tremendous meaning for us. What should we be learning from the parable of the sheep and the goats?

49:28 DUB: The Next Step

DUB: The Next Step

Given by Ken Treybig

During UB we look for spiritual leaven and sometimes feel discouraged. What’s the next step? What do we do after the Feast? How do we make what we’ve learned STICK? Today I’d like us to focus on what God wants us to do AFTER this feast.

53:19 How to Lay Aside Sin

How to Lay Aside Sin

Given by John Foster

Even though we try to live an unleavened life, we still battle against sin. The Bible gives us a few ways in how we can lay aside those sins.

1:05:37 The Wrap Up

The Wrap Up

Given by Jason Hyde

1:06:44 The Lighted Path Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

The Lighted Path Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Given by David Jackson

After the children of Israel came out of Egypt, Satan remained in hot pursuit of them. Even though they passed through the doorpost of their homes that was covered with the blood of lamb, representing Jesus Christ's shed blood, and they came out in fellowship with one another and with YHWH their God and were headed for the promised landâ€...

47:28 Beware Lest You Fall

Beware Lest You Fall

Given by Don Henson

1:27:52 The Miracles of the Exodus, Part 3

The Miracles of the Exodus, Part 3

Given by Rick Avent