
1:05:37 The Wrap Up

The Wrap Up

Given by Jason Hyde

1:06:44 The Lighted Path Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

The Lighted Path Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Given by David Jackson

After the children of Israel came out of Egypt, Satan remained in hot pursuit of them. Even though they passed through the doorpost of their homes that was covered with the blood of lamb, representing Jesus Christ's shed blood, and they came out in fellowship with one another and with YHWH their God and were headed for the promised landâ€...

47:28 Beware Lest You Fall

Beware Lest You Fall

Given by Don Henson

1:27:52 The Miracles of the Exodus, Part 3

The Miracles of the Exodus, Part 3

Given by Rick Avent

56:24 Have You Learned Christ?

Have You Learned Christ?

Given by Jon Pinelli

Forgetfulness can be very common as we get older. However there is a type of forgetfulness that can be deadly. These Days of Unleavened Bread should remind us to never forget what God has done for us and continues to do for us. As we walk in newness of life, we must never forget what God has taught us during...

1:10:34 Joshua and the Conquest - Unleavened Lessons

Joshua and the Conquest - Unleavened Lessons

Given by Doug Johnson

Entry into the ancient Promised Land speaksto us for our future in God's Kingdom.

1:02:37 In Front of, Behind, Above, and Beside You

In Front of, Behind, Above, and Beside You

Given by Paul Carter

Hebrews 11:6 tells us that God is! He exists, He is there, and He will always be there. Once we develop a covenant relationship with God, He proves Himself faithful to always be there for us. Do we trust that? Do we have the faith and confidence that God will be there in all situations? God is our deliverer, our provider,...

1:01:39 How Sin Is Delivered to Us

How Sin Is Delivered to Us

Given by Dave Myers

Even when we try to stay away from sin, Satan has a way tempting us by having it delivered to us! How does this happen? More importantly, how is righteousness conveyed to us?

53:04 Sincerity and Truth

Sincerity and Truth

Given by Jim Cannon