Given by Roger Ellis
This afternoon let’s learn what it means to walk as Jesus walked
Given by Gary Summers
God freed the Isrealites from slavery in Egypt on the Night to br Much Observed. It is an evening we celebrate together every year as the Days of Unleavened Bread begin. Here are 7 things for us to remember that will help us to put our minds and our conversations on the meaning of the evening.
Given by Rick Avent
Given by Ralph Levy
The wave-sheaf represents the resurrection and ascension of Christ to the right hand of the Father. But what is He doing now? He is active on behalf of the Body of Christ, and the members of that Body, and preparing the way for them.
Given by Gregg Pennington
Given by Garrett Pennington
Given by John Foster
There is a statement in Ezra that those who kept the Days of Unleavened Bread separated from the filth of the land, which is something we must do as well.
Given by Matt Pavlik
God has a plan to take us from where we are, to where He wants us to be. Following that plan, and growing effectively, requires keeping the proper perspective on ourselves, on God, and on what He is doing.
Given by Ken Treybig
It's somewhat unusual when Passover falls on a weekly Sabbath. What does this timing have to do with Pentecost? And how can we know what Jesus was thinking about as His physical life was about to be snuffed out? Does that have any implications for our lives today?