Given by Ken Treybig
What do we examine for in pre-Passover examination? Since the word carries an expectation that we’ll find something, what is it exactly that we’re looking to find? In the passage in 2Cor 13 Paul references Christ being in us—but what specifically does that look like?
Given by Gary Summers
1 John 3:7 says "Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God." We improve, grow, and get better at the things we consistently practice. As we continue our personal spiritual preparations for the Spring Holy Days, let's look at 5 questions we can ask ourselves to encourage us to focus, or practice, at growing in the righteousness of God.
Given by Kevin Troyer
The world around us encourages us to follow our heart to live our best life. What does God say? Should we be following our heart, or should we be seeking after a clean heart?
Given by Doug Johnson
A recent winter storm that pummeled Texas residents sparked some thoughts about disasters. That kind of thing can get our attention! What about events the Bible prophesies will happen before Jesus Christ returns? Can we understand what it will be like when the only source of help in that future time is from God—when no human can “save” us?
Given by John Foster
Every year God gives us a reminder of His plan. We need to remember why we are to keep His Festivals.
Given by John Foster
Continuation of the Minor Prophets Bible Study
Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by Jerry Rehor
Given by Dan Summy