Given by Justin Adkins
For centuries, the Jews dutifully kept the Passover, but they failed to comprehend the significance of what they were doing. This sermon looks at Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God.
Given by Jason Hyde
Given by David Jackson
Preparation for the start of the Holy Day season, beginning with Passover, is so important. But what are the instructions that Jesus Christ gives us regarding our responsibility to prepare for these very important days? This message gives us six steps to help us prepare for the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread.
Given by Don Henson
Given by Dave Myers
Each year when we observe the Passover we are asked to remember the suffering and death of our Savior. What did Christ go through for us and what should we learn from it?
Given by Brian Holman
The world of today is a product of a long history of disobedience to God and His teachings. We see from Adam and Eve to the early Israelites that humankind wanted to make their own decisions. The only healing from the physical and mental sickness though will come from God's Plan. We can be healed now spiritually through repentance and...
Given by Paul Carter
What is it that we learn from deleavening? What process do we go through as we prepare for the Days of Unleavened Bread?
Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by Doug Johnson
Our world finds itself in turmoil, divided on so many issues. How can we make sure we’re so focused on God’s purposes and plans that we are able to “tune out” those distractions?