
45:04 No Turning Back

No Turning Back

Given by Matt Pavlik

The decision to commit one's life to following God can only be made once. Failure to keep that commitment will cost a Christian everything. So, Why make it?

41:54 Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Elements of God’s Nature

Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Elements of God’s Nature

Given by Hal Henderson

How do we become perfect (lacking nothing necessary to completeness), like our heavenly Father? Look at the fruits of the spirit! Scriptures show that each one is an element of the nature and character of God.

1:02:28 Be Strong and of Good Courage

Be Strong and of Good Courage

Given by Jeff Schmidt

GOD commanded Joshua to be strong and of good courage as they entered into the promised land. Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego exemplified faith and courage when they stood before King Nebuchadnezzar. As true Christians, GOD wants us to be strong and of good courage as we prepare for the Kingdom of GOD.

55:26 Those Dangerous Blind Spots

Those Dangerous Blind Spots

Given by Scott Hammer

Being aware of our blind spots. Holding up the mirror of God's Word to our lives. Examples, David, Job, Paul. Ask God to show us our blind spots.

27:50 Why Is Sin Such a Bad Thing?

Why Is Sin Such a Bad Thing?

Given by James Ellis

As we focus on identifying and removing sin, let's consider some specific reasons why sin is bad for us.

1:17:34 Colossians and the Holy Spirit of God (Part 16) - Employers (Part 2) Fair

Colossians and the Holy Spirit of God (Part 16) - Employers (Part 2) Fair

Given by David Jackson

To do what is fair is a most interesting and very spiritual concept, add should weigh heavy upon all of us, particularly those who are in positions of leadership, authority, management or ownership. Doing what is just and doing what is fair or equal is moving from the application of the letter of the law to the application of spiritual...

56:47 Going Forward From the Days of Unleavened Bread

Going Forward From the Days of Unleavened Bread

Given by Nathan Willoughby

59:15 Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Given by Matt Zollner

God instructs us to seek peace and pursue it. This sermon presents the elements of becoming a peacemaker and some of the challenges we will encounter along the way.

1:06:30 What’s Your “Exit Strategy?”

What’s Your “Exit Strategy?”

Given by Doug Johnson

Do we have a definite plan on how to "depart from iniquity" (2 Timothy 2:19) after the 2021 Days of Unleavened Bread are history?