Given by Jon Pinelli
God's people must be and will be unified. How can we be unified now as we await the return of Jesus Christ?
Given by David Jackson
Why were you born? This is not just a question of why were you born, but why are you here, why do you even exist, what is the purpose for your life, and is this life all that there is? You see my question as to why you were born is a pretty profound question. And believe it or not,...
Given by Jason Hyde
Given by Paul Carter
What does God's Holy Spirit do for us? What should you and I be doing with that spirit?
Given by Don Henson
Given by John Foster
Continuation of Bible study series on the Minor Prophets
Given by Chad Messerly
Part 1 was God as a Father so that we can better understand Part 2 on God as a Loving Father.
Given by Gary Summers
Many people of faith are not listed in the Faith chapter. In this message, we will look at the examples of 2 women of Faith not named in Hebrews chapter 11. What can we learn about Faith from a review of the stories of Deborah and Hannah?
Given by Marty Miller
We tend to idolize our heroes and begin believing they are super humans. The New Testament church had true heroes of faith and yet they were imperfect human beings. They had the same struggles and same spiritual potential we have. Was there a secret to their success?