Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by Paul Carter
We have a weekly program called In Accord. We have a publication called One Accord. What does it mean to truly be of One Accord?
Given by Doug Johnson
The response we see from the ancient Israelites to hearing the 10 Commandments announced from Mt. Sinai (in Exodus 20) doesn’t look at all like the response of the repentant worshipers at the founding of the New Testament Church at Jerusalem (Acts 2)! What caused the big difference?
Given by Dave Myers
The Feast of Pentecost carries important reminders for God’s people. Here are five things we should remember about the meaning of this festival.
Given by Matt Zollner
Pentecost pictures the beginning of The Church of God. Individuals are specially called and chosen by God to be members . Our responsibility is to remain faithful to our calling and become the first fruits of His kingdom.
Given by Steve McNeely
God says the Holy Spirit gives various gifts for the benefit of the Church. Whatever yours are, stir them up!
Given by David Jackson
God's Holy Spirit within you, is not only as a collective force or power, but also a very individual and a very personal power in your life. In this final greeting, Paul spends time naming individual people’s names. By naming names, Colossians becomes even more authentic and very personal for every one of us, challenging us to become what...
Given by Nathan Willoughby
Given by Phil Sandilands