
39:03 Time - Are You Using It in a Godly Manner

Time - Are You Using It in a Godly Manner

Given by Jerry Rehor

34:09 Society Says

Society Says

Given by Garrett Pennington

59:29 Spirit of Unity

Spirit of Unity

Given by Don Henson

50:07 The Miracles of the Exodus, Part 5

The Miracles of the Exodus, Part 5

Given by Rick Avent

1:10:00 You Believe What?

You Believe What?

Given by Jim Franks

What we believe is important and we should be confident in our beliefs, especially when challenged. Our belief on judgment - the resurrections and the Great White Throne - separate us from most who profess Christianity. What do we believe about these important topics?

50:54 When to Keep Pentecost

When to Keep Pentecost

Given by John Foster

There are various groups who keep Pentecost on different days than the Church of God. It's important to know the correct date on which we will observe this Holy Day.

49:46 Spiritual Gifts and the Body of Christ

Spiritual Gifts and the Body of Christ

Given by Roger Ellis

In 1Corinthians 12: the apostle Paul writes to the brethren at Corinth and tells them that after they had been given the gift of the Holy Spirit that God would give specific spiritual gifts to all of His people. In that process of explaining this he uses an analogy for the Church, that of being a body. He talks about how...

33:01 Great Power, Great Responsibility

Great Power, Great Responsibility

Given by Kevin Troyer

God's Holy Spirit is a Spirit of great power. We are granted this Spirit of great power, but with it comes great responsibility. What does that great responsibility look like?

52:54 The Just Shall Live by Faith

The Just Shall Live by Faith

Given by John Trotter

An exploration of the subject of The Just Shall Live By Faith by looking at the characteristics in the lives of four individuals specifically mentioned in the Bible as being "just men."