
42:48 How Did We Get Our Sabbath Format?

How Did We Get Our Sabbath Format?

Given by Jon Pinelli

Go from one COGWA congregation to another and you will experience the same Sabbath service format. It is the same format we have used for decades dating back to the Worldwide Church of God. What is the biblical basis for our Sabbath service format? This sermon answers that question.

49:26 Bible Study: Sabbatarian Comparative Religions

Bible Study: Sabbatarian Comparative Religions

Given by Jon Pinelli

There are some religious denominations that keep the 7th day Sabbath. But how do the rest of their beliefs match up or differ from us? This Bible Study explores three denominations that keep the 7th day Sabbath, but have different fundamental beliefs.

1:11:50 Bible Study - The Tabernacle and Temple, Part 9

Bible Study - The Tabernacle and Temple, Part 9

Given by Don Henson

39:21 Bible Study: Pentecost and Its Observance

Bible Study: Pentecost and Its Observance

Given by Jon Pinelli

As we approach Pentecost, it is good to review how we arrive at the day for Pentecost. Especially this year since the Sunday for the wave sheaf offering was also the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread. Is this right, or should we keep Pentecost on a different day?

58:34 The Resurrection Appearances of Christ - Part 1

The Resurrection Appearances of Christ - Part 1

Given by Dave Myers

Jesus said that the only sign he would give to prove he was the Messiah was His resurrection to life after three days and three nights in the grave. In this sermon we’ll begin studying the resurrection appearances of Christ so we can have confidence in our Savior.

56:32 The Enemies of Today

The Enemies of Today

Given by Dave Pennington

1:19:52 Colossians and the Holy Spirit of God (Part 17) - Employers (Part 3) Master in Heaven

Colossians and the Holy Spirit of God (Part 17) - Employers (Part 3) Master in Heaven

Given by David Jackson

“Masters, give your bondservants what is just and fair, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven.” Paul makes this profound statement as a warning and as a word of encouragement to the master to do what is right regarding his bondservants. At the end of the day, the last statement by Paul is one of the foundational points...

55:27 Now You See Me No You Don’t

Now You See Me No You Don’t

Given by Don Henson

1:01:16 Holy, Holy, Holy

Holy, Holy, Holy

Given by Tom Letellier