
31:14 The Good, the Bad, the Ugly of Social Media

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly of Social Media

Given by Michael Hanisko

1:00:14 If You Want to Rule the World, First You Must Rule Your Mind.

If You Want to Rule the World, First You Must Rule Your Mind.

Given by Jon Pinelli

To he who overcomes, we are told that he will rule the earth. So what is the greastest thing that we must overcome? We must rule our minds!!

1:08:06 What’s Your Focus?

What’s Your Focus?

Given by Doug Johnson

How many of God’s servants have been asked to trust Him, even when they couldn’t see exactly what details of their future were visible? Probably all of them! Yet their faithful examples are preserved for us. Can we follow those examples?

1:01:51 The Church of God Fundamentally, Part 1

The Church of God Fundamentally, Part 1

Given by Ron Kelley

A comprehensive look at the fundamental belief regarding the Church of God.

1:09:11 The Commandment with the Multifaceted Promise

The Commandment with the Multifaceted Promise

Given by Zach Smith

1:22:32 Marriage, Part 1 - What and Why Is Marriage

Marriage, Part 1 - What and Why Is Marriage

Given by David Jackson

Marriage--A Divine Institution Ordained of God Love, Friendship, Love, Marriage, Love, Death, Love. That was way too long and too confusing for a title to the series. Hence the acronyms of LFL-M-LDL. Ultimately this is a series about love which is the character of God (God is love), and through this series, we will touch on multiple aspects of the...

55:15 The Gates of Hades

The Gates of Hades

Given by David Johnson

We have long understood that Jesus’ statement about the gates of Hades meant that the Church would never die out completely. But is there more involved in what He said? And why did He take His disciples 20 miles away to Caesarea Philippi? To understand, we need to look more closely.

41:20 Duty


Given by Taylor Tootle

Duty is a word that has faded in recent history. This message is a review of what it means to have and perform our duty.

1:00:17 Being on the Team

Being on the Team

Given by Doug Horchak

When we were young, many of us desired to be “on a team.” God’s calling enables His people, all of them, to be a part of the most important and meaningful team of all.