
49:23 Is Your Weapon Ready

Is Your Weapon Ready

Given by Steve Villaescusa

Using the word of God effectively and in faith.

49:06 How Do You Deal With Trials?

How Do You Deal With Trials?

Given by Phil Sandilands

56:20 The Promise of the Holy Spirit

The Promise of the Holy Spirit

Given by Don Henson

Review of scriptures promising the gift of the Holy Spirit and how the Holy Spirit functions in our lives.

1:11:20 How Much Holy Spirit Do You Have?

How Much Holy Spirit Do You Have?

Given by Paul Carter

Can the Holy Spirit be measured? What does the Holy Spirit do, and can it be increased?

43:31 Making Godly Decisions

Making Godly Decisions

Given by Mike McTiernan

1:03:06 Are Your "Why's," "What's," and "How's" Consistently Right?

Are Your "Why's," "What's," and "How's" Consistently Right?

Given by Rick Avent

1:08:29 Beware of Chutes While Finding Ladders

Beware of Chutes While Finding Ladders

Given by Jeff Yost

Throughout the bible, God defines wrongdoing and righteous acts. There are many places in the bible where there are lists of things that are wrong and things that are right. This message reviews many of these lists and picks out a new one of wrong things and several right things, comparing these two. The focus is to show what we...

53:02 The Cause of Strife

The Cause of Strife

Given by Greg Sargent

What do human beings strive about? Answer! Anything and everything. What is the cause of strife? Examples in God’s Word gives us the answers. Proverbs focuses on the subject of strife. The end result we must have is wisdom with understanding. And that answer is in James 3.

1:01:50 I Have No Idea

I Have No Idea

Given by Ron Kelley

We have no idea the things God is preparing for us to deal with as He works with us to prepare us for His Kingdom.