Given by Michael Hanisko
Given by Greg Sargent
The list is long. Three important areas stand out concerning what God’s Spirit does. Christ’s Spirit in us is a blessing because we are turned away from sin. Through the Spirit of Christ, Christ lives in us and we know the way, the truth and life. Only with the fruit of the Spirit of love can we have...
Given by Zach Smith
Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by Mark Winner
There is no greater knowledge than to know and understand the Lord. But how does one actually come to know and understand the Lord? It requires the spiritual factor.
Given by Bob Paine
Given by Doug Johnson
What difference can one day make in your life? What if that one day was before you were even born? Let’s find out by putting ourselves in the shoes of the first century disciples back on that amazing Day of Pentecost in Acts 2.
Given by Bill Johnson
We need to have convictions based on real living faith that is only possible with the power of the Holy Spirit. Is God’s Word a book of preferences or do we live a life of conviction based on true living faith?
Given by Dan Summy