
45:28 Things That Matter

Things That Matter

Given by Jim Franks

As Christians, all of us, including FI graduates, must focus on what is really important in life. These things include the truth, our relationship with God and our relationships with each other.

44:12 Toward a Kingdom of Light

Toward a Kingdom of Light

Given by Joel Meeker

The Bible often uses the metaphors of light and darkness; day and night to teach vital spiritual lessons. Let's explore some.

48:04 Mothers, Wives, Women

Mothers, Wives, Women

Given by Greg Sargent

God created Eve to be a help to Adam. The world doesn’t have a right view of women’s place in the home, in the world or in the future. What can we learn from God’s Word about why He created women and how He views mothers, wives and women in general.

1:14:40 Another Helper, Part 3 - Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit

Another Helper, Part 3 - Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit

Given by David Jackson

What does "Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" mean, how is this sin committed, and why is a person not forgiven of this sin, either in this age or the age to come? (Matthew 12:31-32)

55:15 A New Creation

A New Creation

Given by John Foster

God expects us to live differently than before and with the Holy Spirit within us, we have the help we need to become the new creation God expects us to be.

56:08 Recognizing the Season

Recognizing the Season

Given by Phil Sandilands

50:25 What Godly Women Do

What Godly Women Do

Given by Dave Myers

A commemoration and show of appreciation for the dedication of our mothers.

51:28 Are We the Children of the Bondwoman or of the Free?

Are We the Children of the Bondwoman or of the Free?

Given by Steve McNeely

The love of God the Father and Jesus Christ frees us -- frees us from what? To determine the answer to this question, let's compare the lives of Hagar and Sarah.

1:05:39 Bible Study - Messages to Philadelphia and Laodicea

Bible Study - Messages to Philadelphia and Laodicea

Given by Don Henson

Bible Study