
1:04:35 The Church

The Church

Given by Taylor Tootle

The Feast of Pentecost. God poured out His Holy Spirit and established His church. This message is an overview of what the church is.

34:52 The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture

Given by Gary Lutz

1:07:48 Exploring the Mystery of Marriage and the Church

Exploring the Mystery of Marriage and the Church

Given by Bruce Gore

When God created Adam and Eve, He also created the institution of marriage. Much later the Apostle Paul spoke of marriage as a great mystery. We’ll see that this mystery includes more than we might have first realized.

1:15:39 Another Helper, Part 4 - When the Day of Pentecost Had Fully Come

Another Helper, Part 4 - When the Day of Pentecost Had Fully Come

Given by David Jackson

When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they...

58:58 The Pillar and Ground of the Truth

The Pillar and Ground of the Truth

Given by Ken Treybig

When and how did Jesus start that Church He promised? What else do we need to know about it? Why is it important? What are its goals and purposes? Let’s review some of those things today.

1:01:29 International Ministerial Conference 2023

International Ministerial Conference 2023

Given by Paul Carter

Summation and comments on the Ministerial Conference from May 2023

50:01 Having the Right Kind of Boldness

Having the Right Kind of Boldness

Given by John Foster

God's spirit enables us to boldly come before God for help and that we can boldly say the Lord is our helper. But there is a reckless kind of boldness that we must avoid.

1:04:23 Third, Don't Just Ask How, But Do It!

Third, Don't Just Ask How, But Do It!

Given by Rick Avent

33:06 The Holy Spirit — The Power of God

The Holy Spirit — The Power of God

Given by Michael Hanisko