
58:35 How Important Is the Truth to You?

How Important Is the Truth to You?

Given by Doug Johnson

Legal statements are often prefaced with a question about telling “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” Does that speak to us as disciples of Jesus Christ?

59:30 Holy Spirit: Our Source of Peace

Holy Spirit: Our Source of Peace

Given by Ken Treybig

I don’t want to focus on Pentecost today, but I do want to focus on an aspect of the Holy Spirit. There is a very important benefit it brought to people in the Bible—both the OT and NT. And that benefit is available to us, today, as well.

1:01:18 Am I Honoring All People

Am I Honoring All People

Given by Drew Tranquada

1:22:22 Another Helper, Part 1 - Not A Trinity

Another Helper, Part 1 - Not A Trinity

Given by David Jackson

The evidence in Scripture is overwhelming that there are not three personages that make up the Godhead forming what traditional Christianity terms the Trinity. The Godhead is not made-up of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, 3 personages. The Bible is clear and overwhelming that the Godhead is made up of God the Father and Jesus Christ—only! ...

55:55 Inheritance


Given by Jeremy Hess

1:02:01 Bible Study - Messages to Thyatira and Sardis

Bible Study - Messages to Thyatira and Sardis

Given by Don Henson

Bible Study

1:04:45 Communion, Conscience, and the Christian

Communion, Conscience, and the Christian

Given by Jason Hyde

The concepts of communion and conscience have a direct impact on a Christian's life. This sermon explores the connections between these ideas.

47:10 Bible Study: Basics of the Hebrew Calendar

Bible Study: Basics of the Hebrew Calendar

Given by Michael Hanisko

Study Paper: The Hebrew Calendar [pdf]

24:19 The Faith of Rahab

The Faith of Rahab

Given by Michael Hanisko