Given by Bruce Gore
Let's take a look at nine prophecies that will be fullfilled before the return of Jesus Christ. Fig trees bud in early spring. Keep watch!
Given by Dave DeHart
Part of the "whole armor of God" is the sword of the spirit. Take a look at this important part of our armor.
Given by Jon Pinelli
Cleaining the levening out of our mind is like removing leavening from a room. Mr Pinelli goes over the four corrners to make sure the sin form our mind is removed.
Given by Greg Sargent
Christ taught His disciples those things pertaining to the Kingdom of God for 40 days before ascending to heaven. Then what? Christ was given all authority in heaven and earth, became the Head of the Church and inspired the mystery of the ages to be revealed. What was that mystery?
Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by David Johnson
Given by Tim Foster
We all need to have true Fruit that Lasts in our lives.
Given by James Ellis
We've just completed another year of observing the Feast of Unleavened Bread. What are the takeaways and what should we do now?
Given by Ray Harris
Leadership in the church is completely different than leadership in the world. In the church, it's not tied to an office but rather required by God for every Christian. This sermon goes into where godly leadership comes from, how it's acquired and how it is used in the church as well as the reasons God requires it before we're to...