
1:21:12 Lessons From the Days of Unleavened Bread

Lessons From the Days of Unleavened Bread

Given by Paul Carter

The Days of Unleavened Bread are coming to an end. What did you learn, and what lessons can we take away with us?

49:19 The Journey to Pentecost

The Journey to Pentecost

Given by Phil Sandilands

54:34 The Destructiveness of Sin

The Destructiveness of Sin

Given by Larry Neff

I used volcanic activity, specifically Mt. Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii as a comparison to Malachi 4:3 and the result of sin that is not repented of. Passed around a small bottle of ashes from Mt. St. Helens and its eruption in 1980.

1:06:44 It's Now Time to Go Forward

It's Now Time to Go Forward

Given by Bruce Gore

Passover shows us what God did for us and these Days of Unleavened Bread have reminded us what we need to do in our journey to the Kingdom and keep on doing. Let’s take another look on this Last Day of Unleavened Bread.

46:05 Messages to the Seven Churches

Messages to the Seven Churches

Given by John Trotter

A review of Revelation 2 and 3 with an emphasis on the exhortation to faithfulness.

43:03 Do We Truly Remember

Do We Truly Remember

Given by Dave DeHart

Why is it difficult to remember? What does it mean to remember? Take a look at what it means to truly remember.

53:26 Spiritual Lessons From the Exodus

Spiritual Lessons From the Exodus

Given by Ken Treybig

What does God want us to learn from Israel HAVING, but not accurately DOING God’s instructions, as He said in 1Cor 10? Are there things we can learn from the Exodus, which took place as the Days of Unleavened Bread were starting that year? Let’s review the story.

1:09:07 Perfectly Unleavened

Perfectly Unleavened

Given by Greg Sargent

The Kingdom of God will be totally unleavened ruling over a leavened world. The world we live in today is fully leavened world. To be totally leavened we must be like God and be kind, compassionate and easily forgive the sinner while hating the sin.

1:09:18 Is the Pillar Still Present Today?

Is the Pillar Still Present Today?

Given by Zach Smith