Given by Gary Lutz
Given by Michael Hanisko
Given by Dave Myers
Simple Days of Unleavened Bread lessons
Given by James Ellis
The First Day of Unleavened Bread is a holy convocation, and it has become our routine to observe it year after year. As we keep the Feast this year, what sort of dangers should we be mindful of?
Given by Doug Johnson
First Day of Unleavened Bread What’s the oldest “tactic” in our battle against sin?
Given by Don Henson
David prayed that God would forgive his sin and create a clean heart within him. What is a “clean heart?” How does God create a clean heart with us?
Given by Jason Hyde
Since the Garden of Eden humans needed a Deliverer. This message examines the rescue package God established for the human family.
Given by John Bennett
Satan has built this world we live in. Will you allow God to have an impact on you and prepare for God’s world?
Given by Paul Carter
Jesus Christ goes by many names, and some of them describe what he fulfilled, such as Emmanuel - God with us. Yet there is a word used to describe Christ that is rarely used in the N.T. What does Propitiation mean?