
1:00:24 The Battle for Our Mind

The Battle for Our Mind

Given by Scott Hammer

Our amazing brain, The Mind and it's influences. The mind of God. Mind, Heart, Spirit relationship. Controlling your thoughts -- Passover, examining our mind. Battle for our minds -- Satan's devices. The mind of Christ our goal. Holy Spirit the ultimate controller of our thoughts/actions.

56:31 Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Given by Greg Sargent

John the Baptist introduced Jesus as the One who would take away the sins of the world. After Christ was resurrected, we are told God sent Him to bless us in turning us away from our iniquities. After the Passover, we become a new unleavened lump of sincerity and truth. Did Christ ratify a New Covenant that accomplished this?

1:16:27 Becoming More Christlike

Becoming More Christlike

Given by Mark Winner

As we approach Passover and consider our commitment to God, we are to be seeking to become more Christlike. What does this look like? How do we change our lives to help accomplish this?

57:23 Christ Our Passover

Christ Our Passover

Given by Paul Carter

The symbolism in the Passover is very important to us. It was in the Old and the New Testament churches. But do we remember the important role that Jesus Christ fulfilled? He is the lamb, He is the Bread of Life, and He is our Passover.

44:47 What Are Dead Works?

What Are Dead Works?

Given by Phil Sandilands

27:18 Opening of Graves at the Time of Resurrection

Opening of Graves at the Time of Resurrection

Given by Tom Clark

This Bible Study looks at when did those who rose from their graves at the time of the crucifixion rise -- at Christ's death or at his resurrection?

57:08 The Temptations

The Temptations

Given by Jeff Schmidt

The Bible states that Jesus, our High Priest, was tempted in all points as we are, yet without sin. It was only the beginning when the Devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness for forty days. Satan didn’t stop until the crucifixion of Jesus Christ….

1:23:27 Life In The Cauldron, Part 3

Life In The Cauldron, Part 3

Given by David Jackson

One of the most profound statements about being in the cauldron is that Christ did not pray that we should be taken out of the world, out of the cauldron. Christ wants us to be kept from the evil one while in the cauldron! This life brings about a mess of trials, hurts, pains, sorrows, confusion, depression, and deaths. But...

58:25 Unity and Paracords

Unity and Paracords

Given by Jeremy Hess

What lessons about unity can we draw from paracords?