Given by Doug Johnson
The physical actions of the Israelites in keeping the first Passover have spiritual meaning for us.
Given by Paul Carter
We are told to examine ourselves before taking the Passover, but what does that look like?
Given by Bruce Rivers
Given by Greg Sargent
The resurrection of Christ is so important it seems it should be a holy day and special feast rather than the Passover. At the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine decreed Easter must be kept rather than the Passover. What is so important about the Passover that Satan replaced it with a pagan holiday on Sunday?
Given by Mark Winner
This is the time of year where we are to deeply examine ourselves and insure we are in line with God. If we do not do this, it is as if we are half-heartedly going to God and giving a passing thanks for whatever He's done rather than truly being appreciative and working towards His will. Is anything getting in...
Given by Doug Johnson
Is it really true that we are “not ignorant of his [Satan’s] devices?
Given by John Foster
Oftentimes John 3:16 is just a motto for some people. But the meaning has deep importance for all and is to be understood in its fullness especially in regards to Passover.
Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by Jim Cannon