Given by Rick Avent
Given by Doug Johnson
Which is more important?
Given by Larry Neff
This can refer to procrastination or improper prioritizing. But can lead to violation of ten commandments—instead of working hard to provide for self and family a growing problem is to steal the results of the hard work of others. Stealing, murder can be involved. Example of Esau.
Given by John Foster
We know that God wants us to trust in Him, and so how do we do that? Key points are given in how we can trust in God more fully.
Given by Bruce Rivers
Given by James Ellis
In this message, we will explore a phrase that's recorded in Hebrews chapter 6 -- "Let us go on to perfection." What did the author mean by this statement, and what application might we draw from it as we prepare to observe the spring festivals? Who is Mr. Almost and what does he have to do with it?
Given by Jon Pinelli
When we study, do we wait to the last minute and cram for the exam? Mr. Pinelli goes through studying our bible and how the word of God is our sword. The study is necessary to keep and sharpen our sword.
Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by Dan Summy