Given by Chad Messerly
Part 2 of a 3 part 'Walk In' Series. Part 2 - Walk in Light
Given by Nathan Willoughby
Given by Greg Sargent
God tells us, “If need be, we are grieved by various trials.” We all know by experience that trials have been needed in our lives. Just as important, God comforts us exceedingly every time. Because He does comfort us, we are in turn told to comfort others in their trials.
Given by Steve McNeely
There is a direct connection between our brain and our health. People who are positive live longer, happier lives. We can all learn to think more positively. After all God has a wonderful future in mind for us.
Given by Zach Smith
Given by Joel Meeker
Jesus said His Kingdom was not of this world, so His servants would not fight. What did He mean, and how does this apply to us today?
Given by David Jackson
Are you making your calling and election sure—Right Now? As you know, none of us can change the past. We can change our or others’ perspectives of the past, but the truth and the facts of the past are the facts of the past. As to the future, so much of it is uncertain. We can influence the future...
Given by Paul Carter
Do you get tired, drained of energy, or sluggish? Most of us at one point or another do. What happens when that takes place spiritually? Do you suffer from Spiritual Lethargy?
Given by Tom Letellier