
1:23:27 Life In The Cauldron, Part 3

Life In The Cauldron, Part 3

Given by David Jackson

One of the most profound statements about being in the cauldron is that Christ did not pray that we should be taken out of the world, out of the cauldron. Christ wants us to be kept from the evil one while in the cauldron! This life brings about a mess of trials, hurts, pains, sorrows, confusion, depression, and deaths. But...

58:25 Unity and Paracords

Unity and Paracords

Given by Jeremy Hess

What lessons about unity can we draw from paracords?

57:56 Now What?

Now What?

Given by Don Henson

Now that we’ve completed our self-examination prior to the Passover and Days of UB, what will we do about what we’ve seen in ourselves? What should we focus on as we move forward?

45:36 Bread in the Bible

Bread in the Bible

Given by Bill Johnson

38:35 The Passover Is for Members

The Passover Is for Members

Given by Matt Pavlik

1:00:29 For the Love of Family

For the Love of Family

Given by Ken Treybig

I’m sure most of us in the Church are familiar with the parable of the Prodigal Son. In the Church, we’ve even written about it. So, you probably realize it has a connection to Passover. However, I want to review the parable today with a focus on Passover principles and lessons.

1:04:42 Bible Study - Messages to Smyrna and Pergamos

Bible Study - Messages to Smyrna and Pergamos

Given by Don Henson

Bible Study

1:04:34 5 Aspects of True Repentance

5 Aspects of True Repentance

Given by Paul Carter

Repentance is vital to conversion and our relationship with God the Father and our elder brother Jesus Christ. But it is much more than just turning away from past actions.

48:02 Bible Study: Fight or Flight

Bible Study: Fight or Flight

Given by Paul Carter

There is a built in reponse of fight or flight to something that confronts us. There is in our spiritual lives as well, when it comes to sin.